jueves, 11 de abril de 2013

Corto de Pixar: El hombre orquesta

Hi everybody!!! Here I have one of the short films made by Pixar, the popular animation studio. The name of the short film is "The Orchestra man", and it is really interesting, I promise!! Be sure you all watch it!!!!

By the way, did you know that Pixar's Monster University is the new upcoming computer-animated movie, and it'sgoing to be shown in 2013? I can't wait to watch it!!!

Have a nice day, and be good.

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Hola javi, me ha gustado mucho este vídeo es entretenido.
Yumara Baute 4ºA.


El vídeo está muy guapo :)

Zaida 2ºB dijo...

El vídeo me ha gustado mucho y los personajes me han parecido muy graciosos.